Dr. Hossein Khalili
SCH OF MEDICINE & PUBLIC HLTH Dean Robert Golden & Director of UW CIPE
Meeting of HSC Faculty

Welcome From the Director


Welcome to the University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE)! The UW CIPE strives to transform health care through interprofessional practice, education, and research! As our Mission, we work collaboratively locally, nationally and globally to champion, integrate, and advance Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) to achieve the Quadruple Aim: better health, better care, better value, and better work experience.
Following my onboarding as the new Director in April 2019 and in collaboration with our stakeholders and partners, the UW CIPE has fulfilled the following objectives:

        • Development and release of the first ever UW CIPE 2018-2019 Annual Report
        • Hosting three campus/community-wide events (Student Town Hall, IPE Champions Retreat, and Strategic Planning Workshop) to help shape the future directions of IPE at the University and beyond
        • Development and approval of the first ever UW CIPE 2019-2024 Strategic Directions
        • Establishment of UW CIPE Committees in alignment with the new UW CIPE Strategic Priorities
        • Enhancing and expanding the delivery of UW CIPE Competency Modules to more than 1000 students from 7 different health programs – Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, and Public Health
        • Establishing/enhancing strategic partnership with more than 30 local, national and global partners
        • Developing a robust UW CIPE communication and visibility plan:
          • Reconfiguration of the UW CIPE website based on the UW CIPE Strategic Directions
          • Advancement of UW CIPE Online Presence through establishing a Twitter account and a YouTube Chanel
          • Creating and disseminating of the UW CIPE Monthly IPE Update across the campus and community partners
        • Engaging in number of research and scholarly activities at local, national and global levels
        • Undertaking a number of other new initiatives, including but not limited to, planning to develop IPE student track system and IPE simulation and practice opportunities, to fulfill the new Strategic Directions

While celebrating our successes and accomplishments so far, we are working with our Committees to establish priorities and annual action plans in achieving the UW CIPE Strategic Directions. I would like to take the opportunity and say thanks to all students, faculty, staff and community partners for their contribution to the success and advancement of IPE at the UW and beyond!

Hossein Khalili, BScN, MScN, PhD
Director, UW Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE)
University of Wisconsin-Madison

CIPE Director Four-Pillar Approach 2019
CIPE Is Here To Unlock Potential

UW Events