Joint Teaching Academy and UW CIPE Distinguished Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) Fellowship

The UW Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE) and the UW–Madison Teaching Academy have partnered to offer the Joint Teaching Academy and UW CIPE Distinguished Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) Fellowship. Up to three honorary distinguished fellowships will be awarded to faculty members, academic staff, and professional students in recognition of their excellence in IPE teaching, practice, research, and/or leadership at UW–Madison and beyond.
The Joint Dual IPE Distinguished Fellowship lasts for a period of five years with a possibility for renewal as a life-long UW IPE Distinguished Fellow.
Eligibility Criteria: In order to be eligible for this joint dual fellowship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Be a member (or eligible to be a member) of the UW–Madison Teaching Academy.
- Provide evidence of exemplary achievement and contribution in two or more of the following interprofessional areas: practice, education, research, and/or leadership towards addressing/advancing the Quintuple Aim.
- Provide evidence of active engagement and commitment towards advancing IPE at UW through the work of UW CIPE.
Application: Applications for 2024 are open as of Monday, April 1, 2024 and will close on Friday, November 1, 2024.
2023 Recipients of the Joint Dual UW CIPE and Teaching Academy IPE Distinguished Fellowship
UW CIPE and the UW–Madison Teaching Academy partnered to offer an honorary Joint Teaching Academy and UW CIPE Distinguished Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) Fellowship. Each year, up to three honorary distinguished fellowships will be awarded to faculty members, academic staff, and professional students in recognition of their excellence in IPE teaching, practice, research, and/or leadership at UW–Madison and beyond. This year we are excited to announce we have two applications that were accepted for this fellowship! Join us as we congratulate Susanne Barnett, PharmD, BCPS and Beth Fields, PhD, OTR/L, BCG in receiving this fellowship.
First Recipient of the Joint Dual UW CIPE and Teaching Academy IPE Distinguished Fellowship
The UW Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE) and the UW–Madison Teaching Academy are excited to announce the first recipient of the Joint Dual UW CIPE and Teaching Academy IPE Distinguished Fellowship.
Mischler IPE Scholarship
Elaine Mischler MD Interprofessional Education Scholarship
Dr. Mischler has been a physician executive, clinician, teacher, author, speaker, and researcher in academic, community health organizations, health benefits administration and managed health care for over 30 years. She was professor of pediatrics at two medical Schools, the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health for 20 years, and the Medical College of Wisconsin for 3 years. She then moved into industry designing disease managements/population health programs for self-funded employers.
Dr. Mischler has generously provided UW CIPE with an IPE Scholarship fund for one or two or a team of two professional students in a health/social-related program to complete an immersion experience (called project) to learn more and contribute to interprofessional team-based practice, education, and research.
Professional students in all health/social-related programs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are eligible to apply. Students must be in good standing and committed to spend a minimum of 60 hours over 1-2 semesters on the project.
To Learn more about the Scholarship, please review the Application Guidelines Here.
Applications for the Mischler IPE Scholarship are open Friday, September 6, 2024 to Friday, February 7, 2025.
Elaine Mischler MD Interprofessional Education Scholarship: 2021 Inaugural Recipients
Congratulations Rachel Sobiesk and Katie Tredinnick, and thank you to Dr. Mischler for generously providing UW CIPE with an IPE Scholarship fund.
Elaine Mischler MD Interprofessional Education Scholarship: 2022 Recipient
Congratulations Julia Schiller and thank you to Dr. Mischler for generously providing UW CIPE with an IPE Scholarship fund.
UW CIPE Knowledge Exchange Series (KES) Program
UW CIPE Interprofessional Knowledge Exchange Series (KES) Program
In an effort to facilitate interprofessional dialogue and discussion at UW–Madison and its clinical/community partners, UW CIPE has developed the Interprofessional Knowledge Exchange Series (KES) program. The program highlights invited expert panels from different professions/programs to share and engage the audience in an interprofessional conversation around a selected subject matter. The KES topics are chosen based on the suggestions and/or the needs of our population, which include students, faculty, staff, clinicians, and community partners. We welcome your suggestions for our future KES sessions. Please send us an email at with your topic suggestions.
Spring 2024 KES Events
Knowledge Exchange Series- Crossing the Hallway: Weight Bias and Expanding Health Education Towards Equitable Futures
- Describe fat studies as a framework.
- Explain macro and social science approaches to fatness.
- Explore size-inclusive practice across clinical settings, including family medicine, psychiatry, psychology, and reproductive care.
- Share lived experiences of embodiment into the dialogue.
- Describe Health at Every Size principles and harm reduction practices.
- Connect individuals to systems in this space.
- J. Dale Gardner (they/them)- Full spectrum doula, childbirth educator, health equity advocate, and midwife in training
- Ying Dai (they/she)- Master's student in Gender and Women's Studies, fat studies scholar, performance studies scholar, & fat activist
- Shannon Patterson, M.Ed., PhD (she/her)- Counseling Psychologist, ED specialist, size inclusive & weight neutral care
- Kate Phelps, PhD (she/they)-Teaching Faculty in the UW Gender and Women's Studies Department
- Katherine Schaumberg, PhD (she/her)- Clinical Psychologist, Director of the Embark Lab, & ED specialist
- Aimée Wattiaux, MD, MPH (she/her)- Family Medicine 2nd year resident physician who practices weight neutral and size inclusive care
- Not pictured: Autumn Miller (she/her)- PhD student in Gender and Women's Studies, fat studies scholar, fat activist
Learn more about the panelists at:
- Examples of lived experience were helpful in framing the problem, I loved the variety of disciplinary thought. The examples of incorporating weight-neutrality into practice will be helpful in my career. (Medicine Student)
- Dr. Phelps' knowledge and perspective on fat studies and the complexities in society (Faculty and Health Care Provider)
Spring 2023 KES Events
Knowledge Exchange Series: AFTERSHOCK- Film Screening & Panel Discussion
The UW Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE) and the Master Public Health Program in the UW School of Medicine and Public Health present a Knowledge Exchange Series (KES) which includes a film screening of the film AFTERSHOCK and a panel discussion to follow.
Following the preventable deaths of their loved ones due to childbirth complications, two families galvanize activists, birth-workers and physicians to reckon with one of the most pressing American crises of our time – the US maternal health crisis.
Thursday, April 13th, 2023 from 5:00-8:30 pm
Signe Skott Cooper Hall- Room 1121 (Auditorium)
Light refreshments will be served
Panel Discussion with:
• Micaela Berry-Smith, B.A., Program Manager for Maternal and Child Health Initiatives- Foundation for Black Women’s Wellness
• Cheryl Casey'Grant, Outreach Specialist-Depart. of Obstetrics & Gynecology UW SMPH
• Chandra Lewis, CBD - HVD, Executive Director, Harambee Village Doulas (Madison, WI)
• Zakiyyah Sorensen, RN BSN, Outreach Manager, UW Collaborative for Reproductive Equity
• Felicia Turner-Watson, Founder of Healing our Hearts (Madison, WI)
The goal of this event is to continue the conversation about one of the most pressing American healthcare crises today. Wisconsin has the highest rate of infant mortality among Black and Brown families with a rate over 13% compared to other races in Wisconsin. The film, Aftershock, follows the lives of two families’ stories that deal with childbirth complications, two bereaved families who galvanize activists, birth workers, and physicians to address a growing and pressing crisis that impacts Black and Brown families throughout the US.
Learning Objectives:
• Discuss the healthcare inequalities for BIPOC women illustrated in the film.
• Describe the systemic racism and barriers regarding childbirth and women’s health for BIPOC women.
• Expand the conversation about the perspectives of the healthcare system in the US, especially for marginalized communities and BIPOC women.
• Discuss advocacy methods for women and BIPOC patients regarding women’s health and infant mortality.
• Encourage women of all races to advocate for themselves, especially regarding maternal healthcare.
Students, faculty, staff, practitioners, and administrators from cross health and social sciences programs/professions are encouraged to participate!
Spring 2022 KES Events
Reckoning with our History in the Health Sciences: Perspectives from the UW – Madison Public History Project - A UW CIPE Knowledge Exchange Series (KES)
UW CIPE is pleased to invite students, faculty, staff, and practitioners to this important Knowledge Exchange Series (KES) examining the history of bias and exclusionary practices among the health sciences here at UW – Madison. Please join us for this fascinating discussion about our history and how we have opportunities to still disrupt now and in the future.
Date and Time: Tuesday, April 26, 2022, from 5:00pm-6:30pm
Location: Virtual (via Zoom)
Keynote Speaker:
• Kacie Lucchini Butcher, Public History Project Director
• Richard Barajas, Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, School of Veterinary Medicine
• Shiva Bidar-Sielaff, UW Health Vice President/Chief Diversity Officer, SMPH Associate Dean for Diversity & Equity Transformation
• Mel Freitag, PhD, Diversity & Inclusion Officer, School of Nursing
• Lisa Imhoff, MSSW, LCSW, Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, School of Pharmacy
• Kacie Lucchini Butcher, Public History Project Director
Learning Objectives:
• Describe the UW – Madison Public History Project and the research related to the Health Science Programs.
• Examine why our history of exclusionary practices matters now and in the future.
• Practice critical reflection on our history of exclusionary practices as it still presents today and how we can disrupt.
Students, faculty, staff, practitioners, and administrators from cross health and social sciences programs/professions are encouraged to participate!
Fall 2021 KES Events
UW CIPE Knowledge Exchange Series (KES) on Sustainability and One Health: An Interprofessional Approach to Addressing Our Climate Crisis
Monday, November 8, 2021 from 5:30pm-6:45pm via Zoom
The session will address the question of how health professionals can take an interprofessional approach to addressing the climate crisis. In particular, we will be discussing the concept of One Health -- people, plants, animals and our shared environment – and how we can be formidable advocates for change through education and action.
Learning Objectives:
• Examine the effect of our health care system on the growing climate crisis.
• Describe the One Health concept and how it can be put into action.
• Discover how an interprofessional approach can impact the carbon footprint of health care through education, advocacy, and personal actions.
5:30pm-5:45pm: Welcome/Videos/Introductions
• Do No Harm:
• What is One Health:
• Introduction of Panelists
5:45pm-6:05pm: Panel Discussion with Hannah Sherfinski (Panel Moderator)
6:05pm-6:25pm: Interprofessional Small Group Discussions
• Education
• Advocacy
• Personal Responsibility for Sustainability
• Calls to Action
6:25pm-6:45pm: Large Group Debrief
• Debrief from Small Group Discussions
• Shared Calls to Action
• Final Q+A
• Wrap up
Hannah Sherfinski
Medical Students for a Sustainable Future Leader
UW-Madison 2024 MD-MPH Candidate
Invited Panelists:
• Katherine Collins, MS, DNP, AGPCNP-BC, FNP-BC, Clinical Assistant Professor, UW-Madison School of Nursing
• Andrea Hicks, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Hanson Family Fellow in Sustainability, UW-Madison Director of Sustainability Education and Research
• Kurt Sladky, MS, DVM, Dipl. ACZM, Dipl. ECZM (Zoo Health Management), Dipl. ECZM (Herpetology), Clinical Professor, Zoological Medicine/Special Species Health, Department of Surgical Sciences, UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine
• Michel Wattiaux, PhD, Professor in Dairy Systems Management, Director of the Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems (CIAS), UW-Madison
• Karin Zuegge, MD, Department of Anesthesiology, School of Medicine and Public Health, UW Health Medical Director of Sustainability
Fall 2020 KES Events
Interprofessional Knowledge Exchange Series on Diabetes: Blood Sugar Rising Panel Discussion
The UW CIPE, in collaboration with UW SMPH Academic Affairs, is pleased to announce the new date for the Interprofessional Knowledge Exchange session on diabetes. The KES Blood Sugar Rising Panel Discussion will be hosted on November 19th from 4:00 pm-5:30 pm using Zoom. This is a free event and is open to all students, faculty, staff, clinicians and community partners.
Our panelists for this event include:
• Dawn Belt Davis, MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Director of Research, Director, UW–Madison Comprehensive Diabetes Center, Department of Medicine - Division of Endocrinology; Section Chief, Endocrinology, William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans Hospital
• Gwen Klinkner, DNP, RN, BC-ADM, CDCES, Diabetes Clinical Nurse Specialist, UW Health
• Sarah Kruger, DNP, RN, Professor Emeritus, UW-Madison School of Nursing
• Eva M. Vivian, PharmD, PhD, MS, CDCES, BC-ADM, FADCES, Professor (CHS), UW–Madison, School of Pharmacy
• Denise L Walbrandt Pigarelli, PharmD, BC-ADM, RPh, B.S. Pharm, Associate Professor (CHS), Chair, School of Pharmacy Curriculum Committee
• Rene Walters, MS, CDE, RDN-CD, Diabetes Supervisor, Endocrinology-West Clinic
KES - Interprofessional Team-Based Care: An Interactive Virtual Workshop for UW-Madison Pre-Health Students
UW CIPE, in collaboration with the Center for Pre-Health Advising (CPHA) and our program/schools partners (from Genetic Counseling, Medicine, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, and Physical Therapy) hosted a virtual interactive workshop for pre-health students at UW-Madison on October 21st from 4-5 pm using Zoom. The workshop featured an introduction to IPE, panelists opening remarks, small- and large-group case-based discussions about interprofessional team-based care, and a final panel discussion (Q&A with panelists). More than 30 students participated in this workshop.
The following panelists included:
• Genetic Counseling: April Hall, PhD, MS, CGC - Genetic Counselor; Associate Director of Research; Member, Admissions Committee, UW–Madison Genetic Counseling Training Program
• Medicine: Mary McSweeney, MD - Associate Professor CHS; Assistant Dean for MD Admissions
• Nursing: Valerie Thomas, BS, MN, RN, CNL - Doctor of Nursing Practice Student-Adult/Gerontological Acute Care
• Occupational Therapy: Alexia Rebne, OTD, MS, OTR/L - Admissions Coordinator; Clinical Instructor, UW–Madison OT Program; OT Practitioner SSM Health
• Pharmacy: Susanne Barnett, PharmD, BCPS - Associate Professor of Pharmacy; Co-Director of Interprofessional Education, UW–School of Pharmacy; Antimicrobial Stewardship Clinical Pharmacist, Madison VA
• Physical Therapy: Amy Schubert, DPT - Physical Therapist; Director of Admissions and Faculty Associate, UW-Madison DPT Program
• Physical Therapy: Deonna Suiter, PTA - Clinical Education Assistant, UW–Madison DPT Program
UW CIPE would like to thank the student participants, the panelists, the planning team, and the CPHA for their participation, contribution, and collaboration in this KES session.
KES – Exclusive Screening of the Born to Be Documentary Event
UW CIPE, in collaboration with its partners (UW SMPH Academic Affairs, Interprofessional Health Council (IPHC), UW School of Veterinary Medicine and UW School of Medicine and Public Health’s One Health organizations, and the UW School of Pharmacy’s Pharmacy Global Health Interest Group) hosted the exclusive screening of the Born To Be documentary from October 10-21) with eight virtual viewing parties and a final Interprofessional Panel Discussion on October 22nd from 4:30-6:00pm using Zoom. The Panel Discussion was hosted with the participation of five subject-matter experts listed below. More than 80 people participated in either the viewing parties or the panel discussion session. The panel discussion was moderated by Brittney Moore, a DVM Candidate and IPHC Treasurer.
• Jay Botsford - UW–Madison Learning Communities for Institutional Change and Excellence
• Katherine Charek Briggs - UW–Madison Gender and Sexuality Campus Center
• Alan Irgang, LCSW - UW–Madison School of Social Work
• Patrick Kelly, MD - UW–Madison University Health Services
• Marie Moser, PharmD - Outpatient Mental Health, William S. Middleton Memorial Veteran’s Hospital
The Born to Be documentary explores the Mount Sinai Center for Transgender Medicine and Surgery – where, for the first time ever, all transgender and gender non-conforming people have access to quality transition-related health and surgical care.
UW CIPE would like to thank the participants, the panelists, the moderator, the planning team, and the partners for their participation, contribution, and collaboration in KES: Born to Be Documentary event.
UW CIPE Reports
UW CIPE Annual Report 2023-2024

UW CIPE Annual Report 2022-2023
UW CIPE Annual Report 2021-2022
We are very pleased to announce the publication of our 2021-2022 Annual Report. In this Annual Report, with its five different sections, we are excited to feature and celebrate the growing successes in IPE development, implementation, and integration at UW–Madison during the past year from June 1, 2021, to May 31, 2022.
In the past year, UW CIPE, in collaboration with its internal and external partners, has made significant progress in achieving its 5-year Strategic Directions towards championing, integrating, and advancing Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) to achieve the Quintuple Aim at local, national, and global stages. Together, we have been successful in building and expanding upon the UW IPE infrastructure for the creation of a comprehensive Two-Tier IPE Integration System at UW–Madison. In doing so, and as presented in this Annual Report, we were able to launch a number of unique and strategic campus-wide IPE programs and initiatives including, but not limited to, the UW IPE Path of Distinction (PoD) Program; the Interprofessional Telehealth Dementia Caregiving Practicum Badge; the International Interprofessional Professional Development Consortium; the Joint Dual IPE Distinguished Fellowship; the Mischler IPE Student Scholarship; the UW CIPE Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Taskforce; and the required UW IPE Systematic Assessment.
None of these successes could have been possible without the support, dedication, and efforts of you all. We would like to celebrate our success and accomplishments with all of you. Congratulations!
UW CIPE Annual Report 2020-2021
UW CIPE is pleased to announce the release of its 3rd Annual Report. The 2020-2021 Annual Report highlights the significant progress in the development and implementation of interprofessional practice and education (IPE) at UW-Madison and its partners over the past year. 2020-2021 marked the second year of the UW CIPE Strategic Directions, and despite the tremendous challenges posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic, together with our committees/taskforces and program/school/ community/clinical partners, we have managed to make significant progress on each of our four strategic priorities – Education, Scholarship, Partnership, and Sustainability. Along with the rest of UW-Madison and the world, we raised up to the challenges and found ways to support the development and advancement of IPE at UW-Madison and its partners throughout these unprecedented times.
We are excited to announce a number of new programs, including the IPE Path of Distinction (PoD) Program, the IPE Professional Development Program, the Healthy Aging Initiative, the Joint IPE Distinguished Fellowship, and the Mischler IPE Student Scholarship, as well as updates on our existing IPE programs and partnerships (i.e., IPE Competency Modules, IPE Badges, IPE Systematic Assessment, and the IPE Knowledge Exchange Series). This year’s Annual Report includes five sections (two of which are new this year) that demonstrate the significant IPE accomplishments across campus and the community.
The UW CIPE would like to congratulate and thank the UW CIPE Team, UW CIPE committees/taskforces, and program/school/community/clinical partners, along with everyone else who has contributed, directly and indirectly, to the development and advancement of IPE at UW-Madison and its partners.
UW CIPE Annual Report 2019-2020
UW CIPE is pleased to announce the release of its 2nd Annual Report. The 2019-2020 Annual Report highlights the significant developments and progress in interprofessional practice and education (IPE) at UW-Madison over the past year. 2019-20 marked the first year of Phase Two of the UW CIPE as we have developed and are now implementing our first strategic plan – the 2019-2024 UW CIPE Strategic Directions. The Strategic Directions is unique as it acknowledges and incorporates interprofessional practice, education, and research, along with (local, national, and global) partnerships and sustainability as essential components to address the Quadruple Aim (better health, better care, better value, and better work experience) and attain our vision and mission.
To achieve our 5-year mission and vision, a number of strategic initiatives – as presented in this Annual Report – were launched and/or under development including, but not limited to, the establishment/restructuring of UW CIPE committees and taskforces to reflect our strategic priorities, the development and implementation of the UW CIPE Communication Plan (bi-monthly UW IPE Updates, online presence), the development of the UW IPE Designation Criteria, the development and delivery of the UW CIPE Badger Program, the expansion of the UW CIPE Competency Modules to include more programs, and the development of the UW CIPE Simulation Program.
Section 2 of the Annual Report presents the UW-Madison School/Program-Led IPE Activities. In 2019-2020, a number of UW-Madison schools and programs participated in delivering collaborative activities and events that provided innovative interprofessional opportunities for their students.
The UW CIPE would like to thank to congratulate and thank the UW CIPE Team, UW CIPE committees/taskforces/planning teams; the Health Sciences Leadership Council (HSLC); participant programs, schools, and community partners; and the facilities and IT departments at the School of Nursing (and other schools) for programs for making IPE a success at UW-Madison and beyond.
UW CIPE 2019-2024 Strategic Directions
As another success and milestone, UW CIPE is pleased to announce that its first ever 5-year Strategic Directions has been approved by the Health Science Leadership Council. Following the onboarding of Dr. Hossein Khalili, the new Director of the UW Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE) on April 1st, 2019, the development of a 5-year Strategic Directions to guide the growth and advancement of the Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) at the University became a top priority for the UW CIPE. The timing was ideal considering the Health Sciences Leadership Council (HSLC), consisting of the Provost and the Deans of the Schools of Medicine and Public Health, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Veterinary Medicine, were seeking long-term plans for the UW CIPE. The UW CIPE was eagerly looking forward to such an opportunity in developing its Strategic Directions as Dr. Khalili was hired based on his vision and expertise in developing and implementing such strategic directions for IPE at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison).
UW CIPE, through collaboration with its internal and external partners and stakeholders, has developed its UW CIPE Strategic Directions to facilitate transforming health education and practice through interprofessional education, practice and research. To be successful, the UW CIPE Strategic Directions require that we work together as a community to embody a culture of Interprofessionalism that embraces collaboration, innovation, and forward thinking. Strong and close engagement and partnership with all of our diverse stakeholders and partners continues to be critical in building and enhancing momentum as we celebrate successes and milestones along the way.
UW CIPE Annual Report 2018-2019
We are excited to release our first-ever UW CIPE Annual Report. This report aims to showcase the great interprofessional practice and education (IPE) activities happened at the UW-Madison during the past academic year from April 2018 till the end of May 2019. The report is sectioned into two parts, Section 1 reporting the UW CIPE-Led IPE activities, and Section 2 outlining the IPE activities led by the health sciences schools. We would like to thanks all who have been involved in creating and assisting with this report.
Research & Scholarship
Research Studies
- Felten, K. (PI) & Wenker, S. (Co-I) (2023-2028). Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Building Our Largest Dementia (BOLD) Grant 2.0. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
- Felten, K. (PI), Khalili, H. (Co-I) (2020-2023). Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) Building Our Largest Dementia (BOLD) Grant. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Book Chapters
- Wenker, S., & Khalili, H. (2023). Interprofessional Telehealth Dementia Caregiving Community Practicum Badge and Advanced Dementia Interprofessional Clinical Simulation Mini-Course. Alexandria, VA: American Council of Academic Physical Therapy.
- Gartland S., Rusch R., Steinkamp L., Wenker S., Wyne K., Khalili H. (2021). Creating a Culture of Interprofessional Collaboration at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In Joosten-Hagye, D., Khalili, H. Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice- micro, meso, and macro approaches across the lifespan Textbook. Cognella Academic Publishing, CA, USA.
Peer-reviewed Journal Papers
- Schiller, J., & Wenker, S. (March 2023). A student’s perspective of interprofessional clinical experience in a senior living community. GeriNotes Magazine.
- Wenker, S., Kieu, C., Felten, K., Smith, K., Schroepfer, T., & Khalili, H. (2023). Development of a micro-credential curriculum: The Interprofessional Dementia Caregiving Telehealth Community Practicum Badge. Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice.
- Khalili, H., Wenker, S., Birkeland, L., Cotter, M., Weber, B., Schiller, J., & Rusch, R. (2022). Micro-credentials in IPE: The IPE Path of Distinction and Badger Programs at the University of Wisconsin–Madison. Collaborative Healthcare, Thomas Jefferson University.
- Wenker, S. & Khalili, H. (Nov. 9, 2021). Interprofessional Healthy Aging Initiative at UW–Madison to Prepare Future Interprofessional Dementia Workforce. The Geriatrics Interprofessional Conference Series, Grand Rounds, UW–Madison, Virtual.
Conference Presentations
- Chun, R., Hawley, K., Martin, B., Zelenski, A., Coursen, T., Rusch, R. (2024, Sept. 30). Evolution and Lessons Learned in an Interactive Interprofessional Communication Skills Training Scenario [lightning talk]. 2024 Nexus Summit (Virtual).
- Weber, B., Thiessen, C., Wakefield, H., Hess, C., Hikmat, F., Rusch, R. (2024, Sept. 26). IPE Transplant Care Practice Placement: A Pilot Promoting an Intentional IPE Lens in a Medical Specialty Setting [lightning talk]. 2024 Nexus Summit (Virtual).
- Hawley, K., Smith, K., Felten, K., Switzer, S., Wenker, S. (2024, Sept. 25). Sustaining and Expanding a State-Wide IPE Healthy Aging Initiative through the CDC Funded and DHS Collaborative BOLD 2.0 Grant at UW-Madison Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education [lightning talk]. 2024 Nexus Summit (Virtual).
- Barnett, S., Wenker, S., Rotzenberg, K., Hawley, K., Rusch, R. (2024, Sept. 24). Distinguished IPE Fellowship: Partnering with Campus Teaching Academy to Recognize IPE Leadership, Teaching, Practice, and Research [lightning talk]. 2024 Nexus Summit (Virtual).
- Birkeland, L., Rusch, R., Anderson, K., Than Win, H. (2024, Sept. 24). Assessing Non-Genetic Providers’ Perceived Value of Genetic Testing in Cases of Perinatal Loss [student poster presentation]. 2024 Nexus Summit (Virtual).
- Hawley, K., Rusch, R., Anderson, B., Wenker, S. (2024, May 30). IPE Digital Badging at UW–Madison – Virtual credentials for student and faculty learning [poster presentation]. Medical Education Day, Madison, WI.
- Souza, C., Rusch, R., Barnett, S., Chun, R., & Khalili, H. (2023, Sept. 28). Lessons learned by students in an interprofessional communication module (2019–2023) [lightning talk]. 2023 Nexus Summit.
- Khalili, H., Wenker, S., Hawley, K., & Rusch, R. (2023, Sept. 20). Building and advancing a state-wide IPE healthy aging initiative at the UW–Madison Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education [digital showcase]. 2023 Kern National Network Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI.
- Khalili, H., Rusch, R., Hawley, K., Punathil, R., Weber, B., Schiller, J., & Wenker, S. (2023, Sept. 19). Building and sustaining an institutional required IPE systematic assessment: Results and lessons learned [seminar]. 2023 Nexus Summit.
- Khalili, H., Wenker, S., Hawley, K., Felten, K., Smith, K., & Schroepfer, T. (2023, Sept. 18). Engaging and empowering patients and caregivers as co-teachers in the development and delivery of the UW CIPE telehealth healthy aging initiative [seminar]. 2023 Nexus Summit.
- Wenker, S., Khalili, H., Hartman, J., Hawley, K., & Tissot, K. (2023, Sept. 11–Sept. 13). Development of a state-wide IPE healthy aging initiative at UW–Madison Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education [seminar]. 2023 Society of Teachers of Family Medicine (STFM) Conference on Practice and Quality Improvement, St Louis, MO.
- Wenker, S., Khalili, H., Hartman, J., Hawley, K., & Tissot, K. (2023, July 27–July 28). Building and advancing a state-wide interprofessional practice and education (IPE) healthy aging initiative at the UW–Madison Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education [workshop presentation]. 2023 Heartland Interprofessional Education Conference, virtual.
- Khalili, H., Wenker, S., Felten, K., Kieu, C., Schroepfer, T., & Smith, K. (2023, May 15–May 18). Interprofessional telehealth dementia caregiving community practicum: A micro-credential IPE Badge [oral presentation]. Collaborating Across Borders (CAB VIII) Conference, virtual.
- Rusch, R. B., Barajas, R., Freitag, M., Hawley, K., Imhoff, L., Jackson, T., Lackie, K., Lotta, C., Uhm, S., & Khalili, H. (2023, May 15–May 18). DEI interprofessional simulation workshop: A train-the-trainer IPE faculty development opportunity at the University of Wisconsin–Madison [oral presentation]. Collaborating Across Borders (CAB VIII) Conference, virtual.
- Tingle, K. (2023, April 18). CPP-RNCM interprofessional dynamics in a PACT structure [student poster presentation]. 8th Annual PharmD and PharmTox Research Symposium at the Health Sciences Learning Center (HSLC), UW–Madison, Madison, WI.
- Khalili, H., Wenker, S., Felten, K., Kieu, C., Schroepfer, T., & Smith, K. (2022, Oct. 24–Oct. 25). Telehealth dementia caregiving micro-credential for interprofessional health and social professional programs [virtual oral presentation]. 5th Global Congress on Aging & Gerontology, Dubai, UAE.
- Uhm, S., Still, C., & Hikmat, F. (2022, Sept. 13–Sept. 14). Interprofessional education integration and expansion into clinical and community experiences: UW–Madison student perspectives [student poster presentation]. Virtual Nexus Summit 2022, virtual.
- Khalili, H., Wenker, S., Felten, K., Kieu, C., Schroepfer, T., & Smith K. (2022, Aug. 20–Aug. 23). Telehealth Dementia Caregiver-centered Practicum Badge for interprofessional learners: From development to evaluation [lightning talk]. Nexus Summit 2022, Minneapolis, MN.
- Khalili, H., Wenker, S., Felten, K., Smith, K., Kieu, C., & Schroepfer, T. (2022, Aug. 16–Aug. 19). Telehealth dementia caregiving micro-credential curriculum development for cross-health/ social professional programs [oral presentation]. The Network: Towards Unity for Health (TUFH 2022), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
- Wenker, S., Khalili, H., Schroepfer, T., Kieu, C., Felten K., & Smith K. (2022, July 21–July 22). Micro-credential interprofessional dementia caregiving telehealth community practicum badge curriculum [oral presentation]. 4th Annual Heartland Interprofessional Education (HIPE) Conference, USA, virtual.
- Wenker, S., & Khalili, H. (2021, Nov. 9) Interprofessional Healthy Aging Initiative at UW-Madison to Prepare Future Interprofessional Dementia Workforce [grand rounds]. The Geriatrics Interprofessional Conference Series, UW-Madison.
- Wenker, S., Khalili, H., Rusch, R., Schroepfer, T., Maser, A., & Tissot, K. (2021, Oct. 22–Oct. 24). Using Virtual Clinical Simulation in Preparing lnterprofessional Dementia Workforce [poster presentation]. APTA Academy of Education – ELC 2021 Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Khalili, H., Cotter M., Birkeland, L., Rusch, R., Wenker, S., & Beardmore, K. (2021, Sept.–Oct.). Building a unique Badger and Path of Distinction Program in Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) [lightning talk]. Nexus Summit 2021.
- Khalili, H., Gartland, S., Wyne, K., Wenker, S. Rusch, R., & Steinkamp, L. (2021, Sept.–Oct). Building an Interprofessional Charter to Enhance the University-wide Collaboration in Integrating IPE [seminar]. Nexus Summit 2021, virtual.
- Rusch, R., Chun, R., Zelenski, A., Wissink, S., Martin, B., & Lotta, C. (2021, Sept.–Oct). The Case of the Missing Patient: Using a Virtual Role-Play Scenario to Teach Interprofessional Communication Skills [lightning talk]. Nexus Summit 2021, virtual.
- Chun, R., Zelenski, A., Astrella, J., Martin, B., Lotta, C., Rusch, R., & Wissink, S. (2021, Apr.). Playing with Interprofessional Communication: Using a Fictional Scenario Game to Practice Communication Skills [workshop presentation]. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH), Leuven, Belgium.
- Wenker, S., Khalili, H., Rusch, R., Schroepfer, T., Maser, A., & Tissot, K. (2021, Mar.). Preparing Dementia Workforce as Interprofessional Practitioners through Virtual Clinical Simulation [poster Presentation]. Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC).
- Khalili, H. & Rusch, R. (2020, Aug.). The Development and Implementation of a Two-Tier IPE Integration at UW–Madison – Lessons Learned [poster presentation]. 2020 Nexus Summit, virtual.