UW CIPE’s 2022-2023 Award Ceremony

On January 31, 2023, UW CIPE hosted its 2022-23 Award Ceremony to present the Elaine Mischler M.D. Interprofessional Education (IPE) Scholarship Award to Julia Schiller as well as share updates about the scholarly work supported by the Mischler IPE Scholarship of the inaugural recipients Rachel Sobiesk and Katie Tredinnick.

Photo of the group who joined for the Elaine Mischler MD Interprofessional Education Scholarship Award Ceremony

Elaine Mischler M.D. Interprofessional Education (IPE) Scholarship Award

Roberta Rusch started the award ceremony with a welcome as well as sharing a welcome address on behalf of Dr. Hossein Khalili.  Dr. Elaine Mischler was then welcomed and presented her work in interprofessional education and practice over the past nearly four decades, that included receiving a grant from the Federal Bureau of Maternal and Child Health with the mission to provide education of graduate students from different disciplines in the care of the chronically ill child using pulmonary disease as the model. The grant provided 1.5 million dollars for 5 years and launched a dedicated effort to promote interprofessional education in the Pediatric Pulmonary Center.  Her work with the Women’s Philanthropy Council, which is a group of philanthropic women who provide major gifts to the University of Wisconsin-Madison in their areas of passion and in their own names, elicited her partnership with the UW CIPE in generously providing the Center with the continued support and donation of this scholarship. The 2022 awardee of the Elaine Mischler M.D. Interprofessional Education (IPE) Scholarship is Julia Schiller.

Julia Schiller, DPT Candidate 2024 and UW IPE PoD 2021 Cohort Member.  Julia’s project is highlighted here.

Sue Wenker introduces scholarship recipient Julia Schiller at Kaitlyn Hawley Shares updates from Rachel Sobiesk at the Award ceremony for the Interprofessional Education Scholarship  Elaine Mischler and Julia Schiller at the Elaine Mischler MD Interprofessional Education Scholarship Award Ceremony  Julia Schiller shares her project at the Award ceremony for the Interprofessional Education Scholarship  Elaine Mischler, Julia Schiller joined by Julia's guests her parents and her partner at the Elaine Mischler MD Interprofessional Education Scholarship Award Ceremony

Julia wanted to use the opportunity interweave her UW IPE PoD Scholarly work program and her clinical rotation to research about healthcare interprofessionalism and falls risk.

Despite patients that Julia would be working with in her clinical rotation would be at higher risk for falls, they also had an environment rich in healthcare interprofessionalism that can help reduce falls with this benefit has being shown in literature with the emphasis of having more than one profession addressing falls risk is only beneficial if these professions work together. Thus over Julia’s four weeks of clinicals at Oakwood, she had many fantastic opportunities to observe and directly participate in interprofessional collaboration to promote overall health of the patients she worked with.

Some of these opportunities of interprofessional collaboration Julia was able to observe and participate in included continuum of care meetings, weekly Medicare meetings, a strong relationship between the physical therapists and the personal trainers, and the falls risk clinics.

Although Julia’s clinical took place over the summer of 2022, she has still been very busy working on her Scholarly Project. Dr. Wenker, Dr. Khalili, Dr. Hope, and Julia have been working on a manuscript that has been scheduled to be published in March in Gerinotes, a publication by the American Physical Therapy Association. In addition, this group has also submitted an abstract for an international conference in May, which the group should hear back soon if it is accepted or not.

Please click here to read more about Julia’s project

Update from Rachel Sobiesk, BSN, RN, Pediatric Primary Care DNP Student

Rachel Sobiesk Headshot

When Rachel last spoke with the group, her timeline was adjusted to have the project be completed by May 2023. Rachel met with the D & I launchpad at Madison, who recommended she involve stakeholder input before proceeding with a pilot. Rachel is grateful for the scholarship committee for allowing her to adjust the focus of the project for the scholarship to be creating a toolkit with stakeholder input prior to piloting. 

Rachel has since met with the D & I launchpad again for support in developing a good evaluation plan for the project. 

Rachel is about finalized with her toolkit materials. This semester, she will send these materials to a stakeholder team who will review them and provide recommendations which she will apply back to the toolkit as needed to improve the quality of the materials. 

Rachel is thankful for the scholarship that is being used to support the development of the toolkit and compensate stakeholders for taking the time to provide recommendations on the toolkit. 

Update from Katie Tredinnick, DVM/MPH Candidate

Katie Tredinnick shares updates from her project at the Award ceremony for the Interprofessional Education Scholarship  Elaine Mischler and Katie Tredinnick joined by Katie's guests her sister and her partner at the Elaine Mischler MD Interprofessional Education Scholarship Award Ceremony

For her project, Katie partnered with Grassland 2.0, a UW-Madison based organization initiative working to increase grassland-based agriculture throughout the upper Midwest by collaborating with producers, consumers, meat processing plants, water shed managers, etc. As a student of veterinary medicine and public health, Katie’s role in this project was to interview large animal veterinarians throughout the state and understand the potential obstacles and opportunities that veterinarians associate with a transition from conventional production systems to managed rotational grazing systems.

A brief definition of what managed rotational grazing means: Management intensive rotational grazing systems rely on the intentional movement of the livestock herd through subdivisions of pastures with the goal of improving plant composition, productivity, and quality by manipulating defoliation intensity and frequency and distributing manure and urine nutrients across pastures in as uniform a manner as possible. 

Throughout the course of this project, Katie has collaborated with Grassland 2.0’s interprofessional team. From social scientists and agronomists to PhD students and agricultural supply chain experts, the Grassland 2.0 team has provided invaluable insight and support throughout Katie’s project. 

While her research is still ongoing, Katie has spoken to several veterinarians about management intensive rotational grazing and, as a deliverable for her project, constructed this systems-based iceberg model based on those conversations. The components of the model vary in their influence of the system with mental models holding the most influence and patterns holding the least influence over the system. Patterns, such as increasing teaching of managed intensive rotational grazing in the veterinary curriculum, are easier to change while mental models that value productivity over profitability hare more difficult to change. These mental models, however, must change if we are to transform the system that leads to the event: little veterinary medical support in MIRG systems. 

Katie will continue to work with veterinarians and the Grassland 2.0 team to explore the relationship between veterinarians and the future of grass-based agriculture.

The Awards were presented by Dr. Elaine Mischler, Dr. Susan Wenker, and Roberta Rusch. Congratulations to Julia!

Robert Rusch, Elaine Mischler, Julia Schiller, and Sue Wenker at the Elaine Mischler MD Interprofessional Education Scholarship Award Ceremony

We are so happy everyone was able to join us, offer words of encouragement for IPE learning,  and hear about updates on projects shared by Katie and Rachel, as well as a presentation from Julia about her project.

An additional thank you to Elaine Mischler for the generous donation by which makes this scholarship possible.

We all so look forward to the amazing work still to come from Rachel, Katie, and Julia as they continue their journey completing their projects!

Elaine Mischler, Julia Schiller, and Katie Tredinnick at the Elaine Mischler MD Interprofessional Education Scholarship Award Ceremony