LEAP Forward Internship Students with UW CIPE

During the week of July 18- July 22, 2022 UW CIPE welcomed 2 LEAP Forward students, Jasmine and Malachi, as apart of their LEAP Forward Summer Internship. (LEAP- Learn. Experience. Advance. Participate).

The LEAP Forward internship program is a 6 week paid internship for MMSD Health Science Pathways sophomores and juniors 16 and order and is hosted by UW- Madison in collaboration with the Madison Metropolitan School District and Personalized Pathways efforts.

During their internship Jasmine and Malachi were apart of the physical therapy (PT) experience.  Dr. Sue Wenker reached out to UW CIPE to help give the students a wide range of experiences as PT directly works with UW CIPE.

The week Jasmine and Malachi joined with UW CIPE they had a multitude of activities including:

  • Information about UW CIPE- who we are, what we do, who we work with, how we are helping to shape the future of healthcare through Interprofessional Practice and Education
  • A case study using IPE concepts
  • Tour of the Wichman Clinical Teaching and Assessment Center (CTAC) with Kathleen Tiissot.
  • Luncheon with medical student Terill Taylor; Path of Distiction (PoD) students Catherine Still and Kelsie Tingle; and IPE Leads Ruthanne Chun (Veterinary Medicine), April Hall (Genetic Counseling), Beth Martin (Pharmacy).  The Dean of Nursing, Dr. Linda Scott, was also able to stop by!
  • Tour of the Health Science Buildings on the west side of campus
  • Tour of the CTEN as part of the School of Nursing in Cooper Hall with Laurie Pirtle
  • Sitting in on a meeting with the UW CIPE Advisory Council
  • Tour of the Wichman Clinical Teaching and Assessment Center
  • Welcome & Introduction to NACHP with NACHP’s Director, Danielle Yancey, Assistant Director Melissa Metoxen, and Academic Program Specialist, Lauren Cornelius, as well as meeting and an introduction with many resources and staff at the Office of Multicultural Affairs including Associate Dean Jason Stephenson, MD, Director Manuel Santiago MS.Ed

Leap Interns