COVID-19 Interprofessional Panel Discussion- September 16, 6:30-7:30 PM

COVID Interprofessional Panel

COVID-19 Interprofessional Panel Meeting Presented by SVM and Pharmacy’s One Health/ Public Health groups – September 16

Please join us for the virtual Interprofessional Panel Discussing Efforts to Address COVID-19 on September 16th from 6:30-7:30pm. We have 5 panelists from professional settings in the medical, veterinary, diagnostics and public health fields. They will be talking about their experiences, new upcoming research and diagnostic tests they are working on. We will be joined by students from the veterinary, pharmacy, medical, nursing and other graduate public health programs. This will be an amazing opportunity to interact with students from other schools and with our panelists. Please join us! 🙂

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 920 3393 8531

Passcode: 108985

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+13017158592,,92033938531#,,,,,,0#,,108985# US (Germantown)