Welcome to the Academic Year 2020-2021.
UW CIPE is pleased to announce the release of its 2nd Annual Report. The 2019-2020 Annual Report highlights the significant developments and progress in interprofessional practice and education (IPE) at UW-Madison over the past year. 2019-20 marked the first year of Phase Two of the UW CIPE as we have developed and are now implementing our first strategic plan – the 2019-2024 UW CIPE Strategic Directions. The Strategic Directions is unique as it acknowledges and incorporates interprofessional practice, education, and research, along with (local, national, and global) partnerships and sustainability as essential components to address the Quadruple Aim (better health, better care, better value, and better work experience) and attain our vision and mission.
To achieve our 5-year mission and vision, a number of strategic initiatives – as presented in this Annual Report – were launched and/or under development including, but not limited to, the establishment/restructuring of UW CIPE committees and taskforces to reflect our strategic priorities, the development and implementation of the UW CIPE Communication Plan (bi-monthly UW IPE Updates, online presence), the development of the UW IPE Designation Criteria, the development and delivery of the UW CIPE Badger Program, the expansion of the UW CIPE Competency Modules to include more programs, and the development of the UW CIPE Simulation Program.
Section 2 of the Annual Report presents the UW-Madison School/Program-Led IPE Activities. In 2019-2020, a number of UW-Madison schools and programs participated in delivering collaborative activities and events that provided innovative interprofessional opportunities for their students.
The UW CIPE would like to congratulate and thank the UW CIPE Team, UW CIPE committees/taskforces/planning teams; the Health Sciences Leadership Council (HSLC); participant programs, schools, and community partners; and the facilities and IT departments at the School of Nursing (and other schools) for programs for making IPE a success at UW-Madison and beyond.