UW CIPE is pleased to announce its partnership with Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) in the Building Our Largest Dementia (BOLD) Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Disease grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As it was announced by the Gov. Evers and First Lady yesterday, DHS is one of 15 public health programs across the country to be awarded the BOLD grant. The grant funding funding (approximately $900,000 over three years) will be used by DHS and the partners to fulfill the aim of the BOLD Infrastructure for Alzheimer’s Disease Act to develop and enhance public health strategies for risk prevention, timely diagnosis, disease management, and caregiver support.
In this partnership, UW CIPE in collaboration with its program/school partners will create an interprofessional education module for cross-profession students on the special needs of family caregivers of people with dementia. This grant will help UW CIPE to expand its IPE Simulation Program under its 2019-2024 UW CIPE Strategic Directions through developing, piloting and implementing the interprofessional simulation module of Family Caregivers and Community Supports for Dementia.