UW CIPE is pleased to announce the release of its 3rd Annual Report. The 2020-2021 Annual Report highlights the significant progress in the development and implementation of interprofessional practice and education (IPE) at UW-Madison and its partners over the past year. 2020-2021 marked the second year of the UW CIPE Strategic Directions, and despite the tremendous challenges posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic, together with our committees/taskforces and program/school/ community/clinical partners, we have managed to make significant progress on each of our four strategic priorities – Education, Scholarship, Partnership, and Sustainability. Along with the rest of UW-Madison and the world, we raised up to the challenges and found ways to support the development and advancement of IPE at UW-Madison and its partners throughout these unprecedented times.
We are excited to announce a number of new programs, including the IPE Path of Distinction (PoD) Program, the IPE Professional Development Program, the Healthy Aging Initiative, the Joint IPE Distinguished Fellowship, and the Mischler IPE Student Scholarship, as well as updates on our existing IPE programs and partnerships (i.e., IPE Competency Modules, IPE Badges, IPE Systematic Assessment, and the IPE Knowledge Exchange Series). This year’s Annual Report includes five sections (two of which are new this year) that demonstrate the significant IPE accomplishments across campus and the community.
The UW CIPE would like to congratulate and thank the UW CIPE Team, UW CIPE committees/taskforces, and program/school/community/clinical partners, along with everyone else who has contributed, directly and indirectly, to the development and advancement of IPE at UW-Madison and its partners.