Welcome: UW CIPE Student Staff Member, Anna Lemke!

Photo of Anna Lemke

UW CIPE would like to introduce and welcome Anna Lemke who joined UW CIPE in September 2023 as a student staff member with UW CIPE. Anna has already helped UW CIPE tremendously, especially with respect to supporting set-up for the first two UW CIPE Competency Modules, the Interprofessional Teamwork Competency Module and the Interprofessional Roles and Responsibilities Competency Module.

Below Anna has shared a bit about her:

My name is Anna Lemke, and I am student staff member with UW CIPE. I graduated from UW Madison for my undergraduate with a degree in Psychology in Spring 2023 and I am continuing my education at UW Madison as a graduate student studying Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling. I am looking forward to attending the events and modules the Center holds throughout the year! I am so excited to be a part of the UW CIPE team!

We look forward to working with Anna!