UW CIPE Accepting Nomination for Taskforce Committees

CIPE Director 5-Year IPE Integration Plan, 2019

In light of a commitment to engage and collaborate with all stakeholders, and to ensure inclusive and shared governance, the UW Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE) invites members of our diverse stakeholders to join the following Taskforce Committees:

  • IPE Curriculum Taskforce Committee
  • IPE Integration Taskforce Committee
  • CIPE Partnership, Sustainability & Public Relations Taskforce Committee
  • CIPE Research & Development Taskforce Committee
  • CIPE Student Taskforce Committee

To learn more about the Taskforce Committees, Nomination Process, and to access the Nomination Form please visit the Taskforce Nomination page. The initial deadline for nomination is by June 30th, 2019.