On April 18, 2022, from 6:00-7:00 pm IPHC will be meeting virtually via Zoom to learn about Brief Action Planning with UW-Madison School of Pharmacy faculty member, Beth Martin RPh, PhD, FAPhA, Professor and Chair, Pharmacy Practice Division! See below for a description and see the attached flyer for this event!
If you plan to attend this event, please fill out this Google Form so we can get an estimated attendance!
- Patients as Partners: Applying Brief Action Planning to Support Behavior Change and Promote Treatment Adherence
- Presenter: Beth Martin, RPh; Ph.D., FAPhA, Professor and Chair, Pharmacy Practice Division
- Monday, April 18th, 2022 from 6:00-7:00pm via Zoom
What is Brief Action Planning?
Brief Action Planning (BAP) is an evidence-based and efficient approach that health care professionals can use to support patients’ self-efficacy and guide brief behavior change goals. BAP focuses on client-centered goal-setting and gives health care professionals ways to involve patients in decision-making that emphasizes the core components of motivational interviewing skills. BAP makes efficient use of health care professionals’ time and can be used as part of any routine client interaction with the opportunity to use it over multiple visits.
The workshop learning objectives are:
- Explain how to use the principles of motivational interviewing (MI) and Brief Action Planning (BAP) to encourage patients to self-manage chronic conditions and promote treatment adherence.
- Practice the BAP communication skills and strategies with another person.
- Develop strategies for applying BAP in your own practice setting.
Join 4/18/22 Zoom Meeting here: https://uwmadison.zoom.us/j/95991634746