Taskforce Nomination

UW CIPE Taskforce Committee Nomination Information and Form

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CIPE Taskforce Committees: Draft Mandates

Please review the draft Mandates of each Taskforce Committees below. These Mandates are subject to change/evolve as the UW CIPE is working towards developing its Strategic Directions in the next few months.

IPE Curriculum Taskforce Committee

  • IPE Competency Modules – In-Person and Online Course/s
  • IPE Faculty/Staff Knowledge Exchange Series Development and Delivery
  • UW IPE Gap Analysis: IPE Inventory List, Competency Mapping
  • IPE Faculty/Staff Development (in collaboration with ICEP)
  • Building on IPE Simulation Foundation
  • Expanding IPE Simulation to other years and programs
  • Developing an IPE Simulation Sustainability Plan

IPE Integration Taskforce Committee

Planning & Piloting:

  • IPE Credit System
  • Faculty/Staff IPE Recognition System
  • IPE Clinical/Community Outreach Program
  • IPE Curriculum Integration

CIPE Research & Development Taskforce Committee

  • IPE Evaluative Assessment Plan Development & Implementation
  • Student IPE Track System Development
  • CIPE Research & Scholarship Plan Development & Implementation
  • CIPE New Development (i.e., Summer Camp, Summer Institute, Certificate Programs)

CIPE Partnership, Sustainability & Public Relations Taskforce Committee

  • Working closely with other Taskforces
  • Developing CIPE Communication & Visibility Plan
  • CIPE Brand Marketing
  • Developing a CIPE Sustainability & Revenue Generation Plan
  • Partnership Development for Sustainability
  • Philanthropy & Fundraising
  • IPE Advocacy at Local, State, & Inter/National Levels

CIPE Student Taskforce Committee

  • IPE Students Knowledge Exchange Series
  • Interprofessional Health Council (IPHC) Support
  • Liaise with other student organizations to promote IPE
  • Student Recognition Awards

CIPE Taskforce Committee Membership

In light of a commitment to engage and collaborate with all stakeholders, and to ensure inclusive and shared governance, the UW Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE) invites members of our diverse stakeholders to join the following Taskforce Committees:

  • IPE Curriculum Taskforce Committee
  • IPE Integration Taskforce Committee
  • CIPE Partnership, Sustainability & Public Relations Taskforce Committee
  • CIPE Research & Development Taskforce Committee
  • CIPE Student Taskforce Committee

To represent varied perspectives, UW CIPE is seeking faculty, academic staff, practitioners, administration, students, and patient/community representatives from different health/social service programs to join us. We are looking for individuals who have demonstrated interest in, and/or have knowledge and expertise in:

  • promoting engagement and collaboration of faculty, students, community/clinical partners and other stakeholders to strengthen initiatives and innovation for IPE;
  • strengthening initiatives for faculty/staff development in IPE;
  • developing and implementing IPE simulation;
  • developing partnership with stakeholders (community/clinical partners, Department of Health, private sectors, inter/national IPE community); and
  • evaluating the impact of interprofessional practice and education (IPE), and advancing IPE research and scholarly activities.

The CIPE Taskforce Committees term of representation will be two (2) years at this time and renewable. Meetings will be held once a month (or as needed) in the first year and then bimonthly for one-two hours. Efforts will be made to accommodate members at a distance through tele- or video-conferencing. Biannual gathering of all Taskforce Members will happen in the fall and spring each year.

Members will be expected to participate in meetings, take initiative and lead one or more (assigned) tasks within the selected Taskforce Committee, and report back regarding the progress on a regular basis (as defined by the Taskforce) to the Taskforce Committee and to the UW CIPE. Members are also expected to advise and share their perspectives in discussions of new initiatives and innovations regarding IPE.