UW-Madison Interprofessional Health Council (IPHC)
Student IPHC 2022-2023
UW-Madison Interprofessional Health Council (IPHC) is an organization that seeks to enhance the interprofessional development of students within pre-health and health related academic programs at UW-Madison. IPHC helps to coordinate, organize and/or facilitate various interprofessional curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for students each academic year. IPHC also serves as a liaison to facilitate the exchange of ideas and information between students, student organizations, and the faculty and staff of the UW-Madison health profession schools and programs regarding interprofessional education and collaborative practice. IPHC is under the advisory UW-Madison’s Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE), and collaborates with UW CIPE by representing health profession students in shared governance and organizational activities.
President – Kha Lor, a second-year medical student and an IPE PoD student
Vice President- Jee Young Chung (Tammy) second-year medical student and IPE PoD student
Secretary- Cecelia Murray Hickey- Pharmacy student
Treasurer- Erika Intrepidi- Pharmacy student
Communication Liaison/ Program Coordinator: Nikki Huynh- Pharmacy student
Pictured above: IPHC Executive Board at Cocoa, Cookies, & K-9 event- Kha Lor, Cecilia Hickey, Erika Intrepidi, and Tammy Young Chung. Not pictured Nikki Huynh.
UW-Madison Interprofessional Health Council (IPHC): A Year in Review
The 2019-2020 academic year was an exciting year for the Interprofessional Health Council (IPHC) and, despite an interruption in activities as a result of COVID-19, the IPHC was still able to provide a number of opportunities for students from different healthcare disciplines to come together to socialize, reflect and learn about each other’s professions and education, and to hear from a number of speakers.
In the fall, the IPHC hosted three general meetings and featured guest speakers, including Dr. Hossein Khalili, the Director of the UW-Madison Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (CIPE) and Kathleen MacMillan, a member of the IPR Global Steering Committee. The IPHC also hosted a yoga session led by the University Recreation Services during midterms to help our members unwind and de-stress!
While spring meetings did not go as planned, the IPHC made great strides for propelling the organization forward with revisions of the IPHC constitution and the election of new Executive Board Members for the 2020-2021 academic year. Highlights of the IPHC constitution revision include the creation of different types of membership to encourage more student involvement in the organization.
Another major change in the IPHC that occurred in the spring was the official move of the IPHC from the School of Pharmacy to UW CIPE. The IPHC will have a presence on the UW CIPE Web site at www.cipe.wisc.edu. The UW CIPE leadership will help IPHC Executive Board Members with the organization of events and activities, as well as guide the new Board Members as they transition into their new roles.
The IPHC is looking forward to another great year and welcomes new officers to the Executive Board:
• Michelle Gotteiner (President - Veterinary Medicine)
• Lizzy Braun (Vice President of Membership - Pharmacy)
• Kelly Thomas (Secretary - Pharmacy)
• Brittney Moore (Treasurer - Veterinary Medicine).
New Program Representatives, who are also members of the Executive Board, include:
• Taylor Shufelt (Pharmacy)
• Chantal Bougie (PT).
There are still vacancies for program representatives for ALL programs (e.g. Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy, Physical Therapy, Physician Assistant, Veterinary Medicine, etc.).
Student IPHC
The Interprofessional Health Council (IPHC) was created to promote interprofessional education to students in the major health care disciplines available at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. As future health care providers, we see a value in understanding how our teammates approach their patients what services they provide in order to provide the most comprehensive care possible.
The IPHC brings students in communication with UW-Madison faculty and students from other health care professions to meet this goal. Within the organization, students receive the opportunity to meet and discuss topics pertinent to health care providers with practitioners and students alike, compete in the Wisconsin Area Health Education Centers competition, and share their expertise with others.
Global Health, One Health Initiative at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Organization description:
The One Health Initiative works to congregate students from all disciplines, including law, medicine, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, education, public health, business, engineering, and any health-related graduate program. Together, we share ideas from each of our areas of expertise to tackle various challenges that impact the health of people, animals, plants, and our shared environment.
Each month, we meet to discuss solutions to various world problems. We practice interdisciplinary teamwork to prepare us for a world where global interdependence is becoming mainstream. Our ultimate goal is to build the skill set that will allow us to create a healthy and sustainable planet.
Organization leaders:
Apoorva Reddy - PhD Student in Health Services Research in Pharmacy - areddy7@wisc.edu
Emma Svenson DVM MPH - PhD student in Epidemiology - svenson@wisc.edu
One Health Club at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine
Mission Statement:
The focus of the One Health Club at the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine is to facilitate and expand the understanding of and engagement in the field of One Health, to enhance inter-health professional collaboration, and to promote the role of veterinary medical practitioners within the health and biomedical professions at-large. We strive to provide resources and opportunities for education and career development to our fellow classmates with interests in public/global health, epidemiology, comparative medicine, conservation, and other areas that promote the optimal health of people, animals, and the environment. We also strive to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all students and professionals and to always facilitate diversity and inclusion of all people in the One Health community and the public at large.
Goals for 2020-2021 Academic Year:
Continue to build strong connections with other One Health, Global Health, and Healthcare Professionals.
Provide educational opportunities for veterinary students to learn more about One Health and how they can implement this knowledge into their future careers.
Provide networking opportunities for students with professionals in the veterinary One Health community and other healthcare fields.
Upcoming Meetings:
Interdisciplinary panel on COVID-19
What does One Health mean to you? A look into the professional lives of a variety of One Health professionals- Date TBD
A veterinarian from Mexico talking about how vets practice One Health in other countries- Date TBD
Meeting covering the movie “Born to Be” and a discussion of how we as health care professionals can help support transgender and non-binary professionals and community members- Date TBD
One Health Club Officers:
President – Melissa Helstein
Vice President – Erin Furmaga
Secretary – Cheyenne Pearson
Treasurer – Delany Hinz
Contact Us:
Club Email: svmonehealth@vetmed.wisc.edu
President’s email: helstein@wisc.edu