HSC Staff & Faculty Gathered for a meeting
HSC Staff and Faculty Meeting with each other
Dean of Nursing Linda D Scott
SCHOOL OF PHARMACY Dean Steven Swanson

UW CIPE Reports

UW CIPE Annual Report 2022-2023

UW CIPE 2022-2023 Annual Report Cover

We are very pleased to announce the publication of the UW CIPE 2022-2023 Annual Report. In this Annual Report, we are excited to showcase the State of IPE at UW–Madison: Impacts of Interprofessional Practice and Education from June 1, 2022, to May 31, 2023.
In the past year, UW CIPE, in collaboration with its internal and external partners, has made significant progress in achieving its 5-year Strategic Directions towards championing, integrating, and advancing Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) to achieve the Quintuple Aim at local, national, and global stages.
All of these impacts of IPE have been made possible with the support, dedication, and efforts of you all. We would like to celebrate and reflect on these impacts of IPE at UW–Madison.

UW CIPE Annual Report 2021-2022

Annual Report Cover Page 2021-2022

We are very pleased to announce the publication of our 2021-2022 Annual Report. In this Annual Report, with its five different sections, we are excited to feature and celebrate the growing successes in IPE development, implementation, and integration at UW–Madison during the past year from June 1, 2021, to May 31, 2022.

In the past year, UW CIPE, in collaboration with its internal and external partners, has made significant progress in achieving its 5-year Strategic Directions towards championing, integrating, and advancing Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) to achieve the Quadruple Aim at local, national, and global stages. Together, we have been successful in building and expanding upon the UW IPE infrastructure for the creation of a comprehensive Two-Tier IPE Integration System at UW–Madison. In doing so, and as presented in this Annual Report, we were able to launch a number of unique and strategic campus-wide IPE programs and initiatives including, but not limited to, the UW IPE Path of Distinction (PoD) Program; the Interprofessional Telehealth Dementia Caregiving Practicum Badge; the International Interprofessional Professional Development Consortium; the Joint Dual IPE Distinguished Fellowship; the Mischler IPE Student Scholarship; the UW CIPE Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Taskforce; and the required UW IPE Systematic Assessment.

None of these successes could have been possible without the support, dedication, and efforts of you all. We would like to celebrate our success and accomplishments with all of you. Congratulations!

UW CIPE Annual Report 2020-2021

UW CIPE Annual Report Cover Page including picture of HSC buildings

UW CIPE is pleased to announce the release of its 3rd Annual Report. The 2020-2021 Annual Report highlights the significant progress in the development and implementation of interprofessional practice and education (IPE) at UW-Madison and its partners over the past year. 2020-2021 marked the second year of the UW CIPE Strategic Directions, and despite the tremendous challenges posed by the COVID-19 Pandemic, together with our committees/taskforces and program/school/ community/clinical partners, we have managed to make significant progress on each of our four strategic priorities – Education, Scholarship, Partnership, and Sustainability. Along with the rest of UW-Madison and the world, we raised up to the challenges and found ways to support the development and advancement of IPE at UW-Madison and its partners throughout these unprecedented times.

We are excited to announce a number of new programs, including the IPE Path of Distinction (PoD) Program, the IPE Professional Development Program, the Healthy Aging Initiative, the Joint IPE Distinguished Fellowship, and the Mischler IPE Student Scholarship, as well as updates on our existing IPE programs and partnerships (i.e., IPE Competency Modules, IPE Badges, IPE Systematic Assessment, and the IPE Knowledge Exchange Series). This year’s Annual Report includes five sections (two of which are new this year) that demonstrate the significant IPE accomplishments across campus and the community.

The UW CIPE would like to congratulate and thank the UW CIPE Team, UW CIPE committees/taskforces, and program/school/community/clinical partners, along with everyone else who has contributed, directly and indirectly, to the development and advancement of IPE at UW-Madison and its partners.

UW CIPE Annual Report 2019-2020

UW CIPE is pleased to announce the release of its 2nd Annual Report. The 2019-2020 Annual Report highlights the significant developments and progress in interprofessional practice UW CIPE Annual Report Cover Page including picture of HSC buildingsand education (IPE) at UW-Madison over the past year. 2019-20 marked the first year of Phase Two of the UW CIPE as we have developed and are now implementing our first strategic plan – the 2019-2024 UW CIPE Strategic Directions. The Strategic Directions is unique as it acknowledges and incorporates interprofessional practice, education, and research, along with (local, national, and global) partnerships and sustainability as essential components to address the Quadruple Aim (better health, better care, better value, and better work experience) and attain our vision and mission.

To achieve our 5-year mission and vision, a number of strategic initiatives – as presented in this Annual Report – were launched and/or under development including, but not limited to, the establishment/restructuring of UW CIPE committees and taskforces to reflect our strategic priorities, the development and implementation of the UW CIPE Communication Plan (bi-monthly UW IPE Updates, online presence), the development of the UW IPE Designation Criteria, the development and delivery of the UW CIPE Badger Program, the expansion of the UW CIPE Competency Modules to include more programs, and the development of the UW CIPE Simulation Program.

Section 2 of the Annual Report presents the UW-Madison School/Program-Led IPE Activities. In 2019-2020, a number of UW-Madison schools and programs participated in delivering collaborative activities and events that provided innovative interprofessional opportunities for their students.

The UW CIPE would like to thank to congratulate and thank the UW CIPE Team, UW CIPE committees/taskforces/planning teams; the Health Sciences Leadership Council (HSLC); participant programs, schools, and community partners; and the facilities and IT departments at the School of Nursing (and other schools) for programs for making IPE a success at UW-Madison and beyond.

UW CIPE 2019-2024 Strategic Directions

As another success and milestone, UW CIPE is pleased to announce that its first ever 5-year Strategic Directions has been approved by the Health Science Leadership Council. FollowingUW CIPE Strategic Directions the onboarding of Dr. Hossein Khalili, the new Director of the UW Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (UW CIPE) on April 1st, 2019, the development of a 5-year Strategic Directions to guide the growth and advancement of the Interprofessional Practice and Education (IPE) at the University became a top priority for the UW CIPE. The timing was ideal considering the Health Sciences Leadership Council (HSLC), consisting of the Provost and the Deans of the Schools of Medicine and Public Health, Nursing, Pharmacy, and Veterinary Medicine, were seeking long-term plans for the UW CIPE. The UW CIPE was eagerly looking forward to such an opportunity in developing its Strategic Directions as Dr. Khalili was hired based on his vision and expertise in developing and implementing such strategic directions for IPE at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW-Madison).

UW CIPE, through collaboration with its internal and external partners and stakeholders, has developed its UW CIPE Strategic Directions to facilitate transforming health education and practice through interprofessional education, practice and research. To be successful, the UW CIPE Strategic Directions require that we work together as a community to embody a culture of Interprofessionalism that embraces collaboration, innovation, and forward thinking. Strong and close engagement and partnership with all of our diverse stakeholders and partners continues to be critical in building and enhancing momentum as we celebrate successes and milestones along the way.

UW Center for Interprofessional Practice and EducationUW CIPE Annual Report 2018-2019

We are excited to release our first-ever UW CIPE Annual Report. This report aims to showcase the great interprofessional practice and education (IPE) activities happened at the UW-Madison during the past academic year from April 2018 till the end of May 2019. The report is sectioned into two parts, Section 1 reporting the UW CIPE-Led IPE activities, and Section 2 outlining the IPE activities led by the health sciences schools. We would like to thanks all who have been involved in creating and assisting with this report.

IPE Champions Retreat Executive Summary2019 IPE Champions Retreat Executive Summary

On May 13, 2019, the UW CIPE hosted the IPE Champions Retreat. Attendees included about 50 faculty and staff from 11 different schools and programs, including the School of Medicine and Public Health, School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy, School of Veterinary Medicine, Genetic Counseling Program, Physician Assistant Program, Physical Therapy Program, Public Health Program, Occupational Therapy Program, the Center for Patient Partnerships, and the Wisconsin Area Health Education Centers (AHEC). 

The purpose of the Retreat was to invite input from the many UW CIPE stakeholders across campus regarding what their expectations, hopes and goals were for the Center in moving IPE forward at UW and beyond. The format of the three-hour Retreat included an opening Virtual Keynote Presentation by Dr. John Gilbert, Professor Emeritus, University of British Columbia; Founding Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC); Senior Scholar, WHO Collaborating Centre on Health Workforce Planning & Research. Participants then took part in two activities where they first individually reflected on their Expectations/Hopes/Goals/ Commitment for the UW CIPE. They then discussed what they reflected upon with members of their table, generating the top 3-5 commonly-agreed upon Expectations/Hopes/Goals/Ideal/ Commitment from Schools and Programs for the UW CIPE. The collected data from all the Retreat activities were reviewed and analyzed for emerging themes and categories as reported in the Executive Summary.

We would like to thanks Dr. John Gilbert for his inspiring Keynote Presentation, and all the participants for their engagement and insights.