Please be advised that in light of the evolving nature of COVID-19 and the new UW-Madison guidelines, the UW CIPE and the SMPH Academic Affairs have decided to postpone this interprofessional knowledge exchange session to next fall (date and time TBA). More information to be shared in late summer-early fall!
Original Post:
The UW CIPE, in collaboration with UW SMPH Academic Affairs, and as part of the UW CIPE Knowledge Exchange Series, is hosting an exclusive screening of the PBS documentary, Blood Sugar Rising. The documentary will be followed by an interprofessional expert panel on Diabetes. The date of the event is March 23rd from 4:45pm-7:30pm at Cooper Hall (School of Nursing) Auditorium. This is a free event with food and is open to all students, faculty and staff.
Limited spots are available. Please RSVP by March 18th at https://cipe.wisc.edu/kes-exclusivescreening-pbs-bsr/. Should you have question or comment, please contact us at cipe@wisc.edu.
To watch the trailer of the PBS documentary Blood Sugar Rising, please follow the link here: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/blood-sugar-rising/.
Looking forward to seeing you there.