Dr. Khalili named as the Recipient of 2022 American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) Scholarship Award!

Dr. Khalili, the UW CIPE Director, has been named as the first recipient of the AIHC Scholarship Award. The American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) Scholarship Award is awarded in recognition of Dr. Khalili’s significant contributions to research and scholarship in interprofessional practice and education. Congratulations!

As an internationally recognized scholar, expert, and visionary leader in interprofessional practice and education (IPE), Dr. Khalili’s IPE work is not only grounded in research, but he has also demonstrated his expertise in IPE scholarship. He has conducted (as PI & Co-I) over 25 multi-site research projects with over $7 million in funding, and authored and presented over 200 publications and presentations with 40 keynote addresses.

The focus of his research program is on interprofessional education and socialization, team-based care, patient engagement and partnership, interprofessional simulation and interprofessional healthy aging. His original Interprofessional Socialization Framework (IPSF) and Dual Identity works have widely been used in the US and across the globe. Dr. Khalili has also (co)developed and standardized a number of IPECP assessment tools including the Dual Identity Scale (DIS), Assessment of Interprofessional Team Collaboration Scale (AITCS), and the Interprofessional Socialization and Valuing Scales (ISVS, ISVS-A & ISVS-B). He has received several nominations and awards for his distinction in research, teaching, and leadership, including, but not limited to: the Distinguished Fellow of the UK Royal Society of Medicine (2022); the Distinguished Scholar and Fellow of the National Academies of Practice (NAP) (2020); the Recognition of Excellence in Teaching Awards (2015 & 2016); the FHS Recognition of Excellence Teaching Awards (2010 & 2016); and the nomination for the President’s Distinguished Achievement Award for Research/Innovation at Fanshawe College (2013), to name a few.