UW CIPE has just released its December IPE Update. Here are the news items covered in this issue:
- UW CIPE 2019-2024 Strategic Directions Approval
- UW CIPE Committee Update
Steering Committee
Advisory Council
Education Subcommittee
Scholarship Subcommittee
UW IPE Team Mini-Retreat - UW CIPE Competency Modules Update
Fall Offerings
Spring Offerings - Campus and Community Engagement
Interprofessional Practice and Integrated Care Meeting in Ashland
SoN Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Colloquium Presentation
Wisconsin Council on Medical Education and Workforce (WCMEW) Council Meeting - Research and Scholarship
- Upcoming IPE-Related Conferences
Here is the link to the December IPE Update.
In case you wish to directly receive our Monthly IPE Updates, please sign-up here!
Read the full article at: http://mailchi.mp/0c46d95a9a47/uw-cipe-november-ipe-update